Bible Trivia Week 7



  1. Name the king of Salem who was also a priest of God.
    Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18)
  2. Name Sarai’s handmaid.
    Hagar (Genesis 16:1)
  3. What did Sarai do to this woman when she became pregnant?
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  4. Name the son that the handmaid bore Abram.
    Ismael (Genesis 16:11)
  5. Name some things the angel of the LORD told the handmaid.
    Return and submit to Sarai; Hagar’s descendants will be multiplied so they could not be numbered; the child will be a son and Hagar would call him Ishmael; he would be a wild man with his hand against every man, and would dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Genesis 16:9-12, KJV)

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